08.01.2025 18:40
Transiting via the transit Airport
Fuzhou international processing center, Fuzhou city
08.01.2025 14:43
Import customs clearance
Urumqi international mail exchange station, Urumqi city
08.01.2025 10:47
USPS in possession of item
08.01.2025 06:50
The item has been delivered successfully
RC international airport
08.01.2025 02:53
Arrival at the Destination
07.01.2025 22:56
Departed from [Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Guangzhou international mail exchange station] (transit)
DPD data centre
07.01.2025 18:59
The shipment has been successfully delivered
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou city
07.01.2025 15:03
Handed over to the carrier for transportation
07.01.2025 11:06
Departed from [Beijing international mail exchange station], next stop [Beijing mail terminal transportation ]
Province international Huadiwan operational department, Guangzhou
07.01.2025 07:09
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
07.01.2025 03:12
Handed over to the carrier for transportation
Shenzhen International Mail Processing Center, Shenzhen city
06.01.2025 23:15
Departure from outward office of exchange
[import customs retained for inspection],The import customs keep it for inspection
06.01.2025 19:19
Shipment information received
Shatian Town
06.01.2025 15:22
Departed from Facility
Cali airlines airline
06.01.2025 11:25
Item Booked
Vishnunagar S.O
06.01.2025 07:28
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to United Kingdom
06.01.2025 03:31
Package delivered by local post office
Beijing international mail exchange station, BeijingCity
Tracking numbers examples: